Glitterbird Art for the very young
Glitterbird handler om kunstproduksjon og formidling for den aller yngste målgruppen - barn under tre år. Høgskolen i Oslo var leder for dette prosjektet som bygger videre på Klangfugl, et tilsvarende prosjekt i nasjonal regi igangsatt av Norsk kulturråd.
The project will produce and present art for children below three years of age. The project will also develop material in the form of books and information material in order to inspire artists and other experts in participating countries.
The aim is to give children under three years of age the opportunity to see and to experience different genres of art, with particular emphasis on music, theatre, puppet theatre and dance but also visual art, sculpture and cross-over-expressions; to stimulate artists, and give them the opportunity to create and communicate art to the youngest children in an international professional environment; to contribute to the distribution of works or art and performances for small children.
Europeiske partnere:
- Høgskolen i Oslo (Leder) (NO)
- Ensemble FA7 (FR)
- Kolibri Theatre (HU)
- The Wings (FI)
- Skovtofte Socialpedagogiske Seminarium (DK)
Varighet: 2003-2006
Tilskudd fra Kultur 2000: Ca. 6,5 millioner kroner