BET - Body, Experience, Time through 45+ dancers
The aim of the project „BET" is to create better conditions for artistic collaboration, connectivity and mobility for professional dance artist´s aged over 45+, who are looking for lifelong dance practice and are active researchers in the field. Project gives new possibilities and creates ways for international co-operation between experienced dance artists from Norway, Estonia, Latvia, UK, Sweden, Finland and Lithuania.
Totalt prosjekttilskudd
192,000.00 €
Kreativt Europa - COOP1
2020 -
Antall partnere i prosjektet
Estland: FINE 5 Tantsuteteater SA (prosjektleder)
Norge: Stellaris Dansteater AS
Litauen: Party
Fakta om prosjektet
As dance as lifelong practice is still underrated and
underestimated form of art in many countries, this project aims to produce more visibility for dance at age 45+ as professional activity and helps to make art productions internationally more visible.
In this project experienced dance creators from different countries will be connected to each other, sharing their
experience and creating new ways for professional dance collaborations and visibility in society. But not only – project also includes young people, who will be part of it through multiple activities - such as workshops, discussions, lecture – performances with main focus group etc. These young people from different countries will also be part of creating ideas for performances.
Every artist in that program brings his/her own personal and culturally cultivated history to the piece to be seen,
discussed and experienced as unique experience in relatively new multicultural European society that we are sharing as living place and what we aim to keep ecologically sustainable.
The project BET is open to all nationalities, races,
religioos/cultural backrounds, sexual preferences and social groups. I´ts main idea is to expand the research of the issues about age and aging, facing that clash of ethnical and cultural values, heritage and differences in current European context through the art of movement and dance. How to live in the current multi-cultural world with that coded personal memories in our bodies? How is the experience of living different in 45+ and 15+ ?