Oscillations. Exercises in resilience.
OSCILLATIONS consists of four different artist-run organisations in Brussels, The Hague, Bergen and Linz. All of us produce and present a variety of art works oscillating between sound art and visual art. All of the organisations explore this tension between sonic and visual materials, or between exhibition and performance formats.
Intervju om prosjektet april 2021.
Totalt prosjekttilskudd
200,000.00 €
Kreativt Europa
2020 -
Antall partnere i prosjektet
Belgia: OVERTOON VZW (prosjektleder)
Norge: Stiftelsen Lydgalleriet
Østerrike: bb15 Raum für Kunst und Kultur
Nederland: Vereniging instrument invenstor initiative
Fakta om prosjektet
In order to be able to define the needs of this particular kind of artists and to invent production and presentation circuits that deal with the hybrid properties of sound-based visual art, all of the organisations were founded by artists themselves.
Now each organisation has established solutions to a particular set of needs in working with sound as a plastic material, it appears that profiles are tangential to other aspects they have not perfectionised themselves in. These aspects include presentation formats and circuits, as well as artist contextualisation and efficiency strategies.
The project Oscillations – Exercises in resilience aims to network artist-run initiatives with the objective to
1) create a transnational functionality by exchange of complementary cross-overs between sound art and visual art
2) exchange management expertise on resilient solutions or strategies in efficiency for emergent artist-run organisations
The partner organisations complement one another's program with respect to functions and audience-base. The exchange of expertise should lead to a more sustainable operation in the aspects where a particular partner currently has less knowledge of.